July 18 2012
Street food vendors are a rare sight in Montreal, and have been since 1947 when the City made selling food on the street illegal – due supposedly to sanitary reasons. Rumors are circulating that the City is at long last considering loosening the restriction and hopefully Montreal will catch up with modern times – Heck I even have an idea for a food truck
But while they debate and carry out market research and hold committee meetings, the Just for Laughs festival is giving us a taste of what could be around the corner (pun intended) at what they call the Food Souk (marketplace in arabic).
Along rue Sainte-Catherine in the Quartier des Spectacle there is a line up of trucks, ice fishing huts, storage containers and even a hearse, ready to take your food order. So I did a quick tour this afternoon to see what was available and surprised myself that I didn’t cave in and sample what each merchant was offering – but I may well be back
Here are a few of the more colorful and interesting street food vendors I came across.
Quite a selection, so if you are in Montreal, I suggest heading down to the Juste pour rire festival with an empty stomach
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Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin