July 11 2012
Having spent the day in Ottawa, I’m now even more behind in sorting through all the pictures taken so far this week.
This was actually my first visit to Ottawa – pretty sad considering I’ve been living in Montreal for 13 years and that Ottawa is less than 3 hours drive away. Not really knowing the capital, we pretty much hit the main tourist spots, the first stop being Parliament. My girlfriend booked us on the French tour which worked out really well as we were the only 2 and had a tour guide to ourselves 🙂
Although they don’t allow tripods, I managed to shoot some HDR inside (helped greatly by the fact we weren’t in a large group). I will post the full set (plus other pics from around Ottawa in the coming days), but I did manage to process one HDR for the shot of the day, that was taken at the rear of the Parliament building and the wonderful Victorian Gothic Library of Parliament. Unfortunately with there being trucks parked at the back together with distracting sign posts, I ended up having to crop quite a bit.
The image was processed in photomatix and the tone effect was added with Topaz Adjust.

Rear of Parliament building and Library of Parliament, Ottawa
ISO 100 – 14mm – f4.8 – 1/500 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)
For anyone just tuning in and wondering why the blog is called Montreal in Pictures, after the 3 day diversion, tomorrow I’ll be back to shooting in Montreal.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin
The library is my favourite part 🙂 And yes, the loading dock/truck behind the building definitely makes picture-taking a little difficult, but this is lovely!
I agree, the library was amazing. Shame they don’t allow photography during the week days – A good reason for a return trip soon – during a weekend 😉