July 8 2012
I spotted this little sad fellow all alone on a fence surrounding the playground on parc Jeance-Mance. He probably wasn’t as sad as the kid who left him behind though…I hope they are re-united soon.
Or maybe I was wrong and the bear was just counting to 10 in a game of hide and seek…guess we will never know
Leaving the bear behind, I headed on over to the Sunday ritual of Tam Tams at the George-Étienne Cartier Monument on Mount Royal. Although I’ve shot the Tam Tams before, each Sunday can be different, depending on the weather, the crowds and musicians in attendance. There was a pretty good turnout today but not so many ‘interesting’ characters as there are sometimes. Still, I managed a couple of candid people shots. If you are into street photography and find yourself in Montreal, I highly recommend visiting the Tam Tams on a Sunday.
My girlfriend is off work next week and we’ve decided to go up to Québec city tomorrow for a few days and then visit Ottawa on Wednesday, so next couple of day’s I look forward to sharing pictures from somewhere other than Montreal. Both are close (a few hours drive) to Montreal, so are ideal places to visit if you live or plan a trip here. I’ll try to post some images each day, but if I don’t get time, expect a full update on Thursday.
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Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin