Project 365 – Day 88: Helicopters overhead and people down below

March 28 2012

I woke up this morning to snow which turned to rain….Come back please summer (or at least spring). Hard to believe everyone was walking around in shorts and sandals last week.

Guess the weather wasn’t helping my inspiration on what to go shoot today. I did venture out to shoot some staircases near McGill but rain spots on the lens made those un-usable. So in the end I decided to just go on the roof of the apartment building and try to get some shots of people below.

The resulting images were not what I had hoped and while I was pushing/pulling Lightroom sliders every which way trying to make something reasonable enough to post, a wave of 6 military helicopters flew over the luck to have just come back from the roof. I took a chance and went back up hoping they may fly back, which they did…just I got there. Luckily I already had my longer zoom lens on, even so, they were a little further than I would have wanted and I didn’t have much time to compose the shot but glad I managed to catch part of the building to give the shot at least some reference and context.

Military helicopters over Montreal

Military helicopters over Montreal

As for the other shots I took looking down on the street, here are a couple.

Blue umbrella

Blue umbrella

Black umbrella in a hurry

Black umbrella in a hurry

Crossing the street

Crossing the street

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Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

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One Comment

  1. Tonini March 29, 2012 at 6:12 am #

    Helicopters look like some type of Eurocopter (Agusta)? RCAF helicopters??