Yesterday was another snowy day here in Montreal. It wasn’t snowing heavily, so I headed up to Van Horne Avenue in Mile End with the intent on getting some shots of the railway line that runs alongside the Saint Lawrence warehouse.
But before I reached my destination, I grabbed a shot of the old Bovril building (built in 1922) on the corner of avenue du Parc and avenue Van Horne.
I came across this old vintage car buried in snow and had to pause to get a few shots. I don’t know what model of car this is, but I liked how the colour of the car was replicated in the paintwork of the building window frames behind.
I thought afterward, this could make for a great night shot, so I may have to head up there again soon.
There are quite a few gaps in the fence that run alongside the rail track, so was pretty easy to gain access to the tracks.
Just as I was about to leave the rail track, a horn blasted and a freight train rolled by.
Having got my shots, I decided to head back down avenue du Parc.
I was hoping to get some candid shots of people (Mile End is a great place for street photography) but I think the snow was keeping many indoors. I did however see this sign that reminded me of the sight test at the opticians – So I intentionally made the shot slightly out of focus
The snow was beginning to slow as I stopped to take a picture on avenue Laurier. I wanted to get a shot of the snow in focus and the background blurred. It was a bit hit and miss but I like how it came out, although it would have been nice if the flakes were bigger.
Just as I reached the corner with boulevard Saint-Joseph the sun tried to appear from behind the clouds. With snow still falling the sun made for a nice atmospheric shot.
The final shot for today was taken at the corner of avenue Nelson and avenue Villeneuve. This corner is just inside the Outremont district that is considered to be the Francophone equivalent to the anglophone Westmount. Both neighborhoods have some wonderful homes and mansions and I should try to visit each more to document the architectural styles found in each.
Although I had walked quite a way already, the clouds seemed to be clearing and I hoped the sun may treat us to a nice sunset, so I headed up Mount Royal. The sunset didn’t happen, but I did manage to get quite a few more shots which I will share another time.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin
Montréal in Pictures
Your virtual guide in and around Montréal