Tag Archives: Quebec student strike


Project 365 – Day 174: Montreal Student and Bill 78 Demo

June 22 2012

For the fourth time since the Quebec students (and their supporters) began demonstrating against the tuition fee hikes, the 22nd day of the month marked a day of mass protest.

Thousands of students have been on strike across Quebec since mid- February, demonstrating against the provincial Government’s plan to raise tuition fees from the current $2,168 to $3,793 by 2017.

According to news sources, today saw around 10,000 – 20,000 taking to the streets of downtown Montreal. This was much less than previous events, particularly May 22 when around 300,000 marched in support of the student cause. This wasn’t particularly surprising since many students are now working at their summer jobs or have returned home for the summer vacation.

It did seem that there were a larger proportion of older demonstrators answering the call to march today than previously. This may well be due to the fact that as time has gone on (now entering the 5th month) the protest has expanded to cover Bill 78 and other social causes.

One interesting update is it appears the nightly protests will be replaced by door-to-door canvassing over the summer months – guess the cops will be happy (or maybe not, given the amount of overtime pay they must have made in the last 4 months).

Anyway, less of the politics, here are some images I shot during the march today.

Since I’ve had some requests recently for the shooting specs of some images, I’m now including the shooting info for each image.

Demonstrators pass by the Musée des Beaux-Arts

Demonstrators pass by the Musée des Beaux-Arts
ISO 100 – 19mm – f5.6 – 1/80sec

MNA Amir Khadir in support

MNA Amir Khadir in support
ISO 100 – 85mm – f5.6 – 1/60sec

Painted faces

Painted faces
ISO 100 – 105mm – f5.6 – 1/80sec

Shrek giving his support (and doing a little shopping)

Shrek giving his support (and doing a little shopping)
ISO 200 – 38mm – f7.1 – 1/640sec

Red Burqa

Red Burqa
ISO 100 – 300mm – f5.6 – 1/200sec

Les casseroles

Les casseroles
ISO 100 – 140mm – f4.8 – 1/400sec

March passing by newly refurbished Ritz Hotel

March passing by newly refurbished Ritz Hotel
ISO 100 – 10mm – f4.5 – 1/500sec

Fin du Monde (et Charest?)

Fin du Monde (et Charest?)
ISO 100 – 30mm – f4.2 – 1/800sec

Stuck on a bus

Stuck on a bus
ISO 100 – 18mm – f4 -1/320sec

Marching up avenue du Parc

Marching up avenue du Parc
ISO 100 – 18mm – f22 – 1/20sec

Marching up avenue du Parc toward parc Jeanne-Mance

Marching up avenue du Parc toward parc Jeanne-Mance
ISO100 – 20mm – f25 – 1/10sec

Banner from above

Banner from above
ISO 100 – 86mm – f4.5 – 1/160sec

Marching along ave du Parc

Marching along ave du Parc
ISO 100 – 20mm – f29 – 1/3sec

Montreal Police Cavalry

Montreal Police Cavalry
ISO 100 – 70mm – f4.5 – 1/25sec

Montreal Police Cavalry

Montreal Police Cavalry
ISO 100 – 70mm – f4.5 – 1/60sec

Marching toward Parc Jeanne-Mance

Marching toward Parc Jeanne-Mance
ISO 100 – 300mm – f5.6 – 1/320sec

Thankfully the protest was without incident and I hear police only made one arrest. With the night demos being abandoned during the summer, the next march will be on July 22. We will then have to wait and see what happens come August when the students are due to return to complete the spring semester.

To view images in gallery format, simply click on one of the images below.


Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.


Related Images:

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