Tag Archives: parc La Fontaine


Project 365 – Day 92: Bike paths open and Tour de l’île en Rouge

April 1 2012

Today marked the official date when the majority of bike paths are opened for the season and get cleaned on a regular basis. Given the recent mild weather, the paths have been pretty much in use for the last month anyway, so it wasn’t as if  bikes suddenly appeared again today. Although the bike paths are now open, Bixi – the public bike sharing system – only commences on April 15.

I’m not sure if the students arranged to hold another demonstration today to mark the bike path opening, but today there was a planned demonstration called Tour de l’île en Rouge where supporters of the stand against tuition fee hikes were invited to dress in red and meet with their bikes, roller blades and skate boards at parc La Fontaine and participate in a mass bike ride demo. Despite the bike paths being open, I believe the route was more along roads than dedicated bike paths – understandable, since disruption is the student’s goal.

Start time for the demo was advertised for 2pm. When I passed by at around 1 there was a sole participant waiting patiently. I hope he knew he was early, otherwise he may have began wondering if Tour de l’île en Rouge was an April Fool joke.

A guy waiting for other Tour de l'île en Rouge participants

A guy waiting for other Tour de l’île en Rouge participants

Despite not hanging around for others to arrive, I saw on the web that many did in fact turn up.

While I was at Parc la Fontaine I took a couple of pictures along the bike path.

Edge of bike path at Parc La Fontaine

Edge of bike path at Parc La Fontaine

Runner on bike path at Parc La Fontaine

Runner on bike path at Parc La Fontaine

Bike path at Parc La Fontaine

Bike path at Parc La Fontaine

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Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

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