Tag Archives: Mount Royal


A carpet of yellow dandelions along avenue du Parc

For the past week I’d noticed a carpet of dandelions on the eastern side of avenue du Parc just north of avenue des Pins (next to the beach volley ball area) and so today I made sure to go there on the way to brunch and grab a few shots. I was glad to see the city hadn’t decided to go and mow the grass yet and the dandelions were still in abundance.

My original thought when I saw the blanket of dandelions last week was to shoot from low down against a nice blue sky and the city skyline in the distance. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t as good as the past few weeks, with the clear blue sky being replaced with heavy cloud. I decided to still go ahead and shoot anyway.

The first shot was taken shooting towards Mount Royal – which you can just see in the middle of the image.


Dandelions on ave du Parc

Dandelions on ave du Parc
ISO 100 – 11.5mm – f8 – 1/125 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

The next image was shot looking towards downtown. I would have liked to have had the Montreal skyline in the shot but couldn’t seem to get the right angle without walking back down the street and my stomach was telling me it was time for brunch.

Dandelions on avenue du Parc

Dandelions on avenue du Parc
ISO 100 – 11mm – f7.1 – 1/125 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

At least in this next one you see the skyline of Montreal, but not from the low angle I had envisioned during the last week 🙁

Dandelions on avenue du Parc

Dandelions on avenue du Parc
ISO 100 – 105mm – f8 – 1/100 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Mnemonic trick for dandelion in French

Being that I’m currently trying to improve my French, I looked up what the French was for dandelion. I was happy to find it lends itself nicely to a simple mnemonic trick – at my age I need all the tricks I can get.

Given that dandelion in French is pissenlit…I can just think of pissing on a bed, even the color helps in remembering this one. I don’t imagine I will need to include the word pissenlit much in my everyday communication, but if I ever need to order flowers from a florist, I’ll now be safe ordering a bunch of dandelions 🙂

Testing a new format for blog posts

I decided that I will try a new approach for the blog posts. Rather than posting a collection of images for the entire week in one single post, I will post an image each day. Although the daily images won’t generally be taken on the day they are posted (like I did last year), they will be taken within the past 7 days. If applicable (and I have the time) I will perhaps try to add a little info on the processing used for an image.

If you like the new daily posting, let me know in the comments below or over on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

Related Images:

Posted in 52 Project, Le Plateau, Mount Royal Also tagged , , |