Tag Archives: Mount Royal


A (almost) cooling walk on Mount Royal

Nothing beats a walk in the cool shade of the forest when the humidex is in the high 30’s…actually, I can think of lot’s of better places – beach, swimming pool, air conditioned bar, but it did feel somewhat cooler up on Mount Royal.

I was hoping to find some wildlife of one sort or another but I think all the animals had better sense than to be running around on Mount Royal. Instead I ended up just getting a few tree shots and some of the many people who were enjoying the hot sunny weather.

I thought I would try a shot looking up the trunk of a tree using the wide angle. There was a bit of a breeze in the top of the canopy and I went for a longer  exposure time to try and get the movement of the leaves (and block out some of the bright spots, but I didn’t pull off quite the effect I was hoping for.


Under the green canopy

Under the green canopy
ISO 100 – 10mm – f4 – 1/30 sec

Walking on Mount Royal

Walking on Mount Royal
ISO 100 – 85mm – f1.8 – 1/60 sec

The winding path

The winding path
ISO 100 – 85mm – f1.8 – 1/80 sec


Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

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