After visiting the Westmount Park and the greenhouse on June 4, I walked down to the new McGill University Health Centre in NDG. Despite all of the corruption allegations surrounding the building of the new super hospital, I do like the colourful design – created by 28,000 coloured aluminum panels.
The hospital is now around 90% complete, with an opening date scheduled for the Summer of 2015.
There has been some recent reports in the news (exposed by the ongoing Charbonneau enquiry into corruption) regarding what was supposed to be an underground car park ended up being 8 floors above the ground. SNC Lavalin who won the huge construction project reportedly saved $25 million by arguing that Decarie blvd should be used as the ‘ground’ reference point. The car park, being built on the much lower Saint Jacques street, effectively meant the car park that was built is underground. Perhaps, if they’d painted it green no one would have noticed
The MUHC is located just north of the Turcot Interchange – another huge city construction project underway, costing almost $4 billion.
I took a couple of shots to capture what the Interchange looks like now. I didn’t shoot with the intention of doing a panorama, but 2 shots lined up not too bad and at least gives an idea of what the Turcot looks like currently. I’ll try to visit on a regular basis to track the construction progression.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin
Montréal in Pictures
Your virtual guide in and around Montréal