A few more shots taken the other day while I was down in Old Montreal.
It was a bit overcast at the time I was taking these and so the lighting wasn’t that great, and unfortunately despite having rained earlier, there were no great puddles to shoot some reflections – if you have been following the blog for a while, you will know a favorite past-time of mine is kneeling down in the middle of the road to get a reflection of a building
First, a couple of so-so shots taken on Place Jacques-Cartier. Even with HDR, they came out a bit bland…
Next, a few shots along rue Saint-Paul (which I love in the summer as part of it is closed to traffic – see second shot).
By the time I reached rue du Saint-Sacrement, the clouds were beginning to clear. I recently downloaded some Lightroom presets by Scott Kelby. He made some great presets, and one I particularly enjoy using as a starting point is the 300 Look.
The last shot I layered in a pencil line drawing to help bring out the detail in the brick work. This was shot on the corner of rue Saint-Alexis / rue du Saint-Sacrement. I need to re-visit at night since the lighting and the large trees could make for a great shot.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend – Until next time.
– Martin