Tag Archives: Clock Tower


A cold start to 2014

It was a pretty cold start to 2014 here in Montreal today, with the wind chill making it feel like -27. I didn’t have much time to go out shooting due to New Year celebrations continuing this evening but I did manage to grab a few shots to begin the year down at the Old Port.

With it being so cold I had hoped for some steam to be rising off the Saint Lawrence, but no such luck. Perhaps if I had managed to be up for sunrise – my original plan before seeing the forecast and having had a late night – I may have been more lucky.

First shot I took for the year 2014 was of two of my favorite landmarks in Montreal –  The Jacques Cartier Bridge and the Clock tower.

Clock Tower and the Jacques Cartier bridge

Clock Tower and the Jacques Cartier bridge
ISO 100 – 70mm – f11 – 1/320 sec


Despite the cold weather there were a few brave soles ice skating at the Bonsecours Basin ice rink. I decided to try shooting with a slow exposure to capture the mob=vement of some of the skaters.

Ice Skating at the Bonsecours Basin

Ice Skating at the Bonsecours Basin
ISO 100 – 70mm – f32 – 1/10 sec


One taken at a faster shutter speed.

Ice Skating at the Bonsecours Basin

Ice Skating at the Bonsecours Basin
ISO 100 – 280mm – f11 – 1/200 sec


Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

Montréal in Pictures

Your virtual guide in and around Montréal

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