The forecast yesterday was for 30cm of snow during last night and today, which would have certainly been a serious wakeup to the fact that winter is here.
The forecasters were a little off on their forecast though, with it being a mix of wet snow and rain. Still, we probably had about 5cm lying on the ground, but the horrible wet heavy slushy type. Better than an ice storm though – but having said that, ice laden trees and lights do make very photogenic subjects.
I love the winter (and snow), so I went out to get a few shots anyway. I was downtown earlier in the morning and had planned on getting some shots of people jumping the lakes of water that always seem to collect at the street corners. When I was out later with my camera though I didn’t see any good examples – but I still have 4-5 months to catch some puddle skippers in action I’m sure there must be a Québec term for this annual sport of puddle hopping, if not there should be!
Instead, I ventured back up to parc Jeanne-Mance to try and get a few winter ‘landscape’ pictures. Only when I got home did I realize that I had neglected to reset my ISO from 1100 after taking some shots at around dusk yesterday :-/ I probably would have had to shoot at a higher than normal ISO due to the dull overcast sky, but 1100 was a little over-the-top and of course led to my images having quite a bit of grain.
Out of interest I checked when Montréal received the first covering of snow last year, and we are 2 days earlier this year.
Amazing Offer on the ENTIRE TOPAZ COLLECTION – Nearly 50% off regular price
Get everything you need to develop amazing and creative photos
Starting tomorrow and ending December 2nd, Topaz Labs are selling their bundled collection of 14 great photo editing software plugins for just $199 (the regular bundle price is $379.99).
The bundle is everything that Topaz produces and includes:
- Topaz ReStyle – Unique photographic effects
- Topaz Clarity – Natural contrast enhancement
- Topaz B&W Effects – Stunning black and whites
- Topaz Adjust – Make your photos pop
- Topaz Lens Effects – Creative finishing touches
- Topaz ReMask – Intuitive selective adjustments
- Topaz Detail – Creative detail enhancement
- Topaz Simplify – Turn your photos into art
- Topaz InFocus – Reduce shake and motion blur
- Topaz DeNoise – Reduce noise, preserve detail
- Topaz Star Effects – Add star and lighting effects
- Topaz Clean – Creative smoothing effects
- Topaz DeJPEG – Remove JPEG artifacts
- PhotoFXLab – One-stop post-processing
If you were to buy each of the above separately the cost would be $770, so this is really a great opportunity to snap up the entire collection at an extremely affordable price.
I personally own and often use Topaz Adjust and Topaz Lens Effects but will be grabbing this offer tomorrow! If like me, you already own some Topaz products, I was pleased to see this note in the offer details…
Should you already own some of the Topaz products, as long as those products are listed under your account, you will see an additional discount for the complete collection based on the past purchases.
REMEMBER: Offer starts tomorrow and ends December 2nd – Promotion code blackfriday2013
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin
Montréal in Pictures
Your virtual guide in and around Montréal