Category Archives: Location


A selection of shots around town

Still catching up with sharing some of the images I took last week, so this post is a little bit all over the place and contains a selection of shots around town.

On Sunday (6th) I passed by the art nouveau styled Théâtre Saint Denis. The sun was directly behind the building so I got quite a bit of flare showing in the image so I decided to go for a blown out look and give it a sepia tone.

Théâtre Saint Denis

Théâtre Saint Denis
ISO 100 – 10mm – f7.1 – 1/640 sec

On Monday (7th), I went out with plan to take a panoramic shot of Place d’Armes with the idea of having the same people in separate shots – similar to what I shot at the Kondiaronk Belvédère that I shared in the previous post – but I was totally unsuccessful. I did however take a few ‘regular’ pics during my quick walkabout.

Rue Saint Paul

Rue Saint Paul
ISO 100 – 70mm – f4.5 – 1/200 sec

There’s a mural on the corner of avenue President Kennedy and rue Jeanne-Mance that I really like. I’ve often passed by wanting to get a shot but normally there are cars parked ini front. Fortunately on this day there were no cars and so I waited for someone to walk by.

Mural on Avenue President Kennedy

Mural on Avenue President Kennedy
ISO 100 – 20mm – f5.6 – 1/125 sec

I had a slightly more productive day on Wednesday when I went out late afternoon. I didn’t have any specific place in mind, so headed along Sherbrooke street towards the Museum of Fine Arts.

Crescent street

Crescent street
ISO 200 – 70mm – f7.1 – 1/400 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Out of the 4 universities in Montreal, Concordia is one that I have rarely photographed, so as I was in the area, I headed to the corner of rue Sainte Catherine and rue Guy to get a couple of shots. The time of day was not the best for shooting the large glass mural on the east side of the Engineering and Visual Arts complex – I reckon early morning would be best to get some nice light falling on the glass without getting too much reflection – but since I haven’t really shot it before I took a pic anyway.

Concordia University

Concordia University
ISO 200 – 11.5mm – f7.1 – 1/125 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)


Concordia University

Concordia University
ISO 200 – 18mm – f7.1 – 1/200 sec

I then headed down to Boulevard René-Lévesque and stopped to get a couple of shots opposite Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral.

Boulevard René-Lévesque

Boulevard René-Lévesque
ISO 400 – 10mm – f4.5 – 1/1600 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)



Mary Queen of the World Cathedral

Mary Queen of the World Cathedral
ISO 400 – 14mm – f4.8 – 1/2000 sec


1 Place Ville Marie

1 Place Ville Marie
ISO 400 – 13mm – f4.5 – 1/8000 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)


#1 Place Ville Marie was nicely reflected in the windows of #5 Place Ville Marie on the opposite side of the plazza.

5 place ville marie

5 Place Ville Marie
ISO 400 – 13mm – f4.5 – 1/1000 sec


I took a few shots looking upward in different directions with the idea of stitching them together in a rough collage pattern…I guess I still had the itch to combine multiple images after my previous days’ disaster. I Played around with the angles and overlapping of the 5 images in PS Elements until I achieved something close to what I had envisaged.

Looking up at PVM

Looking up at PVM
ISO 400 – 13mm – f4.5 – 1/8000 Sec


I couldn’t visit PVM without taking a shot looking up avenue McGill College…Maybe next time I shoot here the trees will be green.

Ave McGill College

Ave McGill College
ISO 200 – 116mm – f4.8 – 1/400 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)


On my way back through McGill Unversity campus I stopped outside the Art faculty building to take another shot from one of my favourite spots, although I prefer the view in the summer and autumn.

Since I’ve shared many shots taken from this location, I thought I would try something a bit different and add a zoom effect (using Topaz Lens Effects) and process as a high contrast black and white image.

McGill University with zoom effect

McGill University with zoom effect
ISO 100 – 70mm – f7.1 -1/250 sec


I still have some shots to share that I took on Mount Royal last Friday of waterfalls during the spring melt. Now I see that tonight they are forecasting a little snow, so I guess winter hasn’t quite finished with us, but thankfully with warmer temperatures forecast this really (really) should be the last we see of this winter!

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

Montréal in Pictures

Your virtual guide in and around Montréal


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