Category Archives: Location


Springtime Bluebells

Winter seemed to drag on forever this year, but one sign that spring had eventually decided to show up was the sighting of bluebells back on April 24. When I was doing my 365 project in 2012 I had come across a great spot to shoot bluebells behind McGill’s Lady Meredith house at the corner of avenue des Pins and rue Peel. That was on April 12, so it seems mother nature is a few weeks behind this year compared to 2012.

Bluebells at Lady Meredith house

Bluebells at Lady Meredith house
ISO 200 – 13mm – f4.5 – 1/800 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Bluebells at McGill

Bluebells at McGill
ISO 200 – 10mm – f9 – 1/100 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Springtime Bluebells

Springtime Bluebells
ISO 200 – 165mm – f5.6 – 1/2000 sec

On my way back home I passed behind the Allan Memorial Institute and with the trees still being bare of leaves there was a nice view of downtown Moontreal. The light was particularly nice and enhanced the various colours of glass used in the building – particularly the pink of the KPMG tower and green of 1501 McGill College avenue.

Shades of Montreal

Shades of Montreal
ISO 100 – 86mm – f5.6 – 1/640 sec

The allan Memorial Institute has an interesting history which you can read about (and see more images) in prvious posts on May 15 2012 and October 17 2013. Although I’ve shot the Institute feom various angles, I had never photographed the old stables that were part of the original home (Ravenscrag) owned by Sir Hugh Allan. So I took a little detour to grab a couple of shots.

Ravenscrag stables

Ravenscrag stables
ISO 100 – 20mm – f5.6 – 1/160 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

You can still see the carved stone horses head avove the main entrance…

Horses head at the Ravenscrag stables

Horses head at the Ravenscrag stables
ISO 100 – 100mm – f5.6 – 1/1250 sec

Since I took the shots of the bluebells the trees have started (just) to turn green and I saw my first daffodile today, so I should have some more springtime shots to share in the coming days – Once I’ve caught up with my other outstanding shots.

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

Montréal in Pictures

Your virtual guide in and around Montréal

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