Category Archives: Location


Looking skyward on rue Cathcart

Most weekday mornings I walk along rue Cathcart that lies between rue Mansfield and Place Phillips. For a while I’ve been meaning to take some shots looking upward on the stretch of street next to Place Ville Marie. A week last Friday (May 2) I had my camera with me and so took the opportunity to get a few shots.

I particularly like the juxtaposition of the glass façade of #5 Place Ville Marie and the stone of the adjacent buildings.

Juxtaposition of glass and stone

Juxtaposition of glass and stone
ISO 100 – 40mm – f6.3 – 1/500 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)


For the above shot, I was standing at the entrance to Palace Alley which provides a nice leading view toward 1501 McGill College tower and another juxtaposed image.

1501 McGill College

1501 McGill College
ISO 100 – 18mm – f3.5 – 1/125 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)


There was a nice reflection of the 1501 McGill College tower in the windows of #3 Place Ville-Marie, with the taller #1 Place Ville-Marie reaching upward behind. I added some blur using Topaz Lens Effects to draw attention to the reflection.

1501 McGill College in reflection

1501 McGill College in reflection
ISO 100 – 18mm – f3.5 – 1/2500 sec

My 2nd Montreal Gazette #mtlfriday feature

Every Thursday the Montreal Gazette posts a challenge on Instagram with 1 image being selected to be featured in the Saturday’s newspaper print edition. Last week the subject was Food Trucks and 1 of my images (I posted three) was selected as the winner 🙂

#mtlfriday Food Truck challenge

#mtlfriday Food Truck challenge

This was my second image to be featured, the first being back in March when the challenge was clouds and my shot of the biospère was selected.

#mtlfriday Cloud challenge

#mtlfriday Cloud challenge


I try to enter an image most weeks as it often provides great inspiration for finding a different subject to shoot, so hopefully I’ll have more successful entries in the future. If you want to follow me on Instagram, my handle is @mtlinpictures.

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

Montréal in Pictures

Your virtual guide in and around Montréal


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