Category Archives: Location


The return of the Sunday Tam Tams

With the weather warming up, the crowds have begun to gather again around the George Étienne Cartier Monument for the habitual Sunday Tam Tams.

On May 18 I was in the vicinity, so headed over for what was my first visit to the tam tam gathering this year. It was a pretty quick visit as I had other things to do, which was a shame given that it was such a gorgeous warm day and I would have been happy just chilling to the beat of drums.

We approached the monument via Jeanne-Mance Park and I stopped to get a few shots from the steps that lead up to avenue du Parc.

Steps leading to avenue du Parc

Steps leading to avenue du Parc
ISO 100 – 16mm – f11 – 1/160 sec


Ice cream seller on Parc

Ice cream seller on Parc
ISO 100 – 10mm – f11 – 1/250 sec


While waiting for the lights to change to cross avenue du Parc I noticed a lady with a stripped handbag that replicated the zebra crossing…

Crossing avenue du Parc

Crossing avenue du Parc
ISO 100 – 14mm – f5 – 1/2000 sec


I had the idea of shooting multiple exposures from the hip while crossing. My original thought was to just hope and get some interesting shots, but when I was home and going through the frames in lightroom I decided to crop each shot and combine into one image.


The crossing

The crossing


Although I say so myself, I really liked how it came out. So much in fact that I plan on doing a series of these, so hope to have more to share soon.

There were quite a few people taking advantage of the sunny day, most likely helped by it being a long weekend.

George Étienne Cartier monument

George Étienne Cartier monument
ISO 100 – 10mm – f5 – 1/1000 sec


Sunday tam tams

Sunday tam tams
ISO 100 – 10mm – f5 – 1/800 sec


Just as we were leaving, this little guy in a hat grabbed my attention…


Enjoying the sun

Enjoying the sun
ISO 100 – 20mm – f7.1 – 1/400 sec


Les Boules Roses

Another sign summer is pretty much here is the return of the Boules Roses along Sainte Catherine in the Village. The street is once again closed to vehicles for the duration of the summer between May 15 and September 1 for the Aires Libres festival. This is the 4th year that 200,000 pink balls have been suspended above rue Sainte Catherine along the 1.1km stretch between Saint Hubert and Papineau streets.

Boule Roses on rue Sainte-Catherine

Boule Roses on rue Sainte-Catherine
ISO 100 – 11.5mm – f8 – 1/400 sec


Les Boules Roses

Les Boules Roses
ISO 100 – 10mm – f8 – 1/320 sec


I plan to share many more shots from the Aires Libres festival over the coming months. In the meantime, you can check out previous year’s  here (2013) and here (2012).


Recently sold prints

Here are a few more prints recently sold. This set of 4 images show the Montreal skyline from Mount Royal through the seasons.



For these and more Montreal skyline images, check out the online gallery store. Alternatively if you are looking to buy a print framed and ready to hang, click here

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

Montréal in Pictures

Your virtual guide in and around Montréal


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