Not having managed to get out today to go shooting, I had to resort to digging through images of the past few days to find something to post – thankfully there were a couple that I discovered I’d not yet posted.
The first shot was taken on rue Saint Denis back on June 30.
Also shot the same day was this colorful window ledge – somewhere on the Plateau but I forget which street.
Keeping with the floral theme, this next one was taken on rue de Bullion the following day (July 1). I keep seeing these flowers everywhere and have yet to find the name of them – anyone know the name?
I found a few other shots from recent outings that I have yet to post, but I’ll keep those in case I have another day of no photography.
Hopefully I’ll manage to go shoot something tomorrow.
CafePress Store
I had a play on CafePress today and set up a store – still needs some work, but I put 3 designs up and stocked the virtual racks with T’s, hoodies and sweatshirts. I need to look at the other items – they have a lot – and work on some more designs, so stay tuned…and of course let me know if there is any image you have seen on Montreal in Pictures that you would like emblazoned on your chest , or coffee mug ;-).
These are the first 3 designs:

New T-Shirts, Hoodies and Sweatshirts on CafePress
If you have a moment, do check it out and let me know what you think.
I would be interested to hear from anyone who has sold or bought from CafePress of your experience or if you can recommend other services.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin