A few random shots of people taken on the streets in Montreal over the last few days.
The first shot was taken yesterday while I was out looking for Québec flags on the Plateau. I spotted this guy pass me and I noticed the bear on his backpack so turned quickly to get a shot. I was lucky that a girl was approaching towards him and the banner for the film L’Écume des jours by Michel Gondry was in the background that I thought added to the shot.
This next one was taken on Sainte Catherine street in the Gay Village. I was taking pictures of the art installation when a guy walked in front.
Also on Sainte Catherine I passed a guy who really stood out from the crowd. Unfortunately I wasn’t quick enough to get him from the front, but thought the back view still worked.
This last one was taken at Quartier des Spectacles beside the Brasserie T (the little sister restaurant of Toqué).
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.
– Martin