Monthly Archives: March 2013


Spring around the corner and art galleries on rue Saint-Paul

Project 52 – Week 10: The past weekend saw the first spring-like weather with the temperature rising to almost 10 degrees above freezing. Montréal resto’s and bars don’t need it to be any warmer to start bringing out the tables and chairs for a little terrace action.

Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me on Saturday when lots of people were making the most of the warm sunny weather and on Sunday, despite being warmer, it was a little overcast and there seemed that less people were taking advantage of dining al fresco. I did grab a few shots though along rue Saint-Denis.

First sign of spring on rue Saint-Denis

First sign of spring on rue Saint-Denis
ISO 250 – 11.5mm – f5.6 – 1/750 sec

Bar L'Barouf on rue Saint-Denis

Bar L’Barouf on rue Saint-Denis
ISO 250 – 10mm – f5.6 – 1/180 sec


Enjoying spring-like weather on rue Saint-Denis

Enjoying spring-like weather on rue Saint-Denis
ISO 250 – 10mm – f5.6 – 1/200 sec

I couldn’t resist grabbing a shot of this guy and his best friend with Batman posing behind outside Imagine Le Fun costume store on avenue du Mont-Royal.

Imagine Le Fun on ave du Mont-Royal

Imagine Le Fun on ave du Mont-Royal
ISO 250 – 10mm – f5.6 – 1/250 sec

Rue Saint-Paul: A street for art lovers

I mentioned in a post a few weeks back that I planned to revisit rue Saint-Paul for a new project I was working on related to art galleries. Basically the project is to produce an online directory of art galleries in Montreal. The project is not quite complete but you can nonetheless take a peak over at So far I have over 150 galleries listed and will soon be inviting gallery owners to update their details which should make the directory a lot more informative. I will also be regularly posting new events and vernisages taking place around Montreal, so if you’re an art fan living in or visiting Montreal, I hope Montreal Art Galleries will be a site you find useful.

Okay back to rue Saint-Paul. There are a few areas in Montréal with a large concentration of galleries, one of them being rue Saint-Paul in Old Montreal. So far on the directory I have over 20 galleries listed along this wonderful cobbled street. Today I took a little walk from rue Bonsecours in the East to rue de Bleury in the West.

The light was pretty flat and as a result I didn’t take that many shots as the street was not looking at its best.

Serafim Restaurant on rue Saint Paul

Serafim Restaurant on rue Saint Paul
ISO 100 – 14mm – f9.5 – 1/45 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Marché Bonsecours on rue Saint-Paul

Marché Bonsecours on rue Saint-Paul
ISO 100 – 20mm – f9.5 – 1/125 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Galerie d'art Émeraude

Galerie d’art Émeraude
ISO 320 – 20mm – f9.5 – 1/500 sec


rue Saint-Paul

rue Saint-Paul
ISO 100 – 48mm – f6.7 – 1/750 sec

La Guilde Graphique

La Guilde Graphique
ISO 100 – 28mm – f8 – 1/90 sec

Galerie Saint Dizier

Galerie Saint Dizier
ISO 100 – 25mm – f8 – 1/60 sec

Galerie Le Bouget and Galerie Lydia Monaro ISO 100 - 18mm - f8 - 1/30 sec

Galerie Le Bouget and Galerie Lydia Monaro
ISO 100 – 18mm – f8 – 1/30 sec

Lelux Art Gallery on rue Saint-Paul

Lelux Art Gallery on rue Saint-Paul
ISO 320 – 21mm – f8 – 1/180 sec

The final picture for this week is of some passing dog walkers with their assortment of charges in tow 🙂

Dog walkers on Notre -Dame

Dog walkers on Notre -Dame
ISO 200 – 10mm – f9.5 – 1/180 sec

To view the images in gallery format, click on one of the images below.


Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin





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