Project 365 – Day 333: Plaza St-Hubert

November 28 2012

We’re having our first real snow today with a few centimeters in the forecast, so my plan of going and shooting the full moon rising up over the horizon from Mount Royal was a no go. So instead, I went for some shopping therapy (I wanted to check out camera bags that would also take a laptop) at the big camera store Lozeau located on the Saint Hubert Plaza.

I don’t often make it up here but the Plaza is an interesting place to visit if you find yourself in the area. The Plaza was founded in 1959 with the purpose of backing small retailers who were struggling to survive against major competitors. Covering four city blocks on St-Hubert between Bellechasse and Jean-Talon the Plaza you can find stores selling pretty much anything you want.

I”m not sure when the green awnings over the sidewalks were added, but on days like today it’s a nice feature to have 🙂

Saint Hubert Plaza

Saint Hubert Plaza
ISO 100 – 70mm – f5.6 – 1/250 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Saint Hubert Plaza

Saint Hubert Plaza
ISO 800 – 18mm – f5.6 – 1/60 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Saint Hubert Plaza

Saint Hubert Plaza
ISO 800 – 230mm – f5.6 – 1/250 sec

Saint Hubert Plaza

Saint Hubert Plaza
ISO 800 – 18mm – f5.6 – 1/125 sec

Saint Hubert Plaza

Saint Hubert Plaza
ISO 800 – 145mm – f5.6 – 1/250 sec

I recently saw some images of this part of rue Saint Hubert taken back in the 60’s and the street has really changed and is hardly recognizable to how it looked back then. I actually prefer how it looked in the 60’s and wonder what happened to all those great neon signs.

Rue Saint Hubert in the swinging 60's

Rue Saint Hubert in the swinging 60’s
Image credit:

For more great historic pics and information on rue Saint Hubert, head over to this article on Expo Lounge.

To view images in gallery format, simply click on one of the images below.


Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

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  1. Alison Cummins November 28, 2012 at 10:24 pm #

    Thanks for this, Martin. This is my stamping grounds and it makes me happy to see it captured like this.

    Would you be interested in capturing the re aid of the old rag trade district, on St-Laurent above Bellechasse and St-Hubert above Jean-Talon? Because I’d be interested in seeing it.

    Also: do you know where I might be able to find get a high-res version of the Sixties picture suitable for printing?

    Also: how much do you sell your prints for?

    • Montreal in Pictures November 28, 2012 at 10:47 pm #

      Thanks for stopping by Alison. I’m always looking for new places to photograph and the old rag trade district sounds like it could have some great photo ops. I’ll try and go check out the area soon 🙂

      I’m not sure who shot the old 60’s pic, but you could try contacting which was credited with the image.
      As for pricing for my images, it would depend on the size. Let me know which images and size you are interested in…As a guide, the prices are in the following range:
      10 x 8 inch 35$
      20 x 16 inch 55$
      30 x 24 inch 75$

      Thanks again for visiting 🙂