Daily Archives: November 27, 2012


Project 365 – Day 332: The Big O at night

November 27 2012

Although I’ve shot the Olympic Stadium before, I have never shot it at night. Since it was a clear night and the moon was nearly full, I decided to head over and try and get some night shots (hopefully with the moon in the background).

Being such a large structure, shooting the stadium and the moon together was not that easy, particularly since the moon was not in the most favorable position. I did manage one early on though that I included near the end of the post.

I won’t bore you with the history of the stadium again, but if you missed the previous post and are interested, click here to see the previous post including some history and more pics here.

The Big O reminds me of a futuristic space ship and as I was heading for the metro at the end of the shoot, I came across this perspective that almost looks like its coming in to land.

The Big O at night

The Big O at night
ISO 100 – 18mm – f5.6 – 20 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

I walked around the stadium and took shots as I went. A few angles I may have already shot, but the curves and lines can look much different at night. Locals seem to either love or hate the Big O and from a cost perspective I understand the haters, but I’m certainly on the side of the lovers for the design (even with the problematic roof).

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 10mm – f5.6 – 5.7 sec

Unfortunately on the next 2 images I had some annoying lens flaring, but I really like the curves and detail of the tower base, so I decided to share.

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 21mm – f11 , 15 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 18mm – f11 – 15 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 10mm – f11 – 1.5sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 18mm – f16 – 20 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 11.5mm – f22 – 0.5 sec

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night

Montreal Olympic Stadium at night
ISO 100 – 13mm – f13 – 0.5 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

The big O at dusk

The big O at dusk
ISO 100 – 13mm – f11 – 1/8 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

The Montreal Olympic Stadium inclined tower

The Montreal Olympic Stadium inclined tower
ISO 100 – 14mm – f11 – 1/8 sec

Almost full moon at the Big O

Almost full moon at the Big O
ISO 100 – 210mm – f11 – 1/60 sec

The new Planetarium looks like it is pretty much complete ahead of its scheduled opening next year. You can see part of the roof in the image below – the 2 silver funnel-like objects in the bottom left. The other building in the image is the Biodome (was the Velodrome) which features the 4 ecosystems of North America to explore and is worth visiting.

Montreal Olympic Park

Montreal Olympic Park
ISO 100 – 18mm – f11 – 10 sec (-2ev/0/+2ev)

I tried to get a picture of the moon and the Planetarium together and even though I shot multiple exposures, I couldn’t manage to make a good layer of a correct exposed moon with the Planetarium. I thought the full blown-out moon worked quite well in the end though.

Montreal's new Planetarium beneath the moon

Montreal’s new Planetarium beneath the moon
ISO 100 – 112mm – f11 – 6 sec

To view images in gallery format, simply click on one of the images below.


Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

– Martin

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