May 25 2012
I had planned this evening to follow up on yesterday’s image of the man darning his sock and go shoot the other 9 old folks on chairs suspended in the air as part of the Festival Transamériques. They were supposed to be seated on their elevated chairs at 6. I got there just before, and sat around until nearly 7, but the brave seniors were nowhere to be seen. I thought maybe they had over napped, but I found out that tonight’s performance had been cancelled due to forecast rain.
So I had to try and find another subject quick – due to being hungry and my girlfriend at home preparing dinner. As I was making my way back up rue Saint Denis, I spotted this street artist.
I passed through Place des Festivals and took a couple of shots of the steam fountain on the Parterre.
Not the image packed post I was hoping for, but hope to make up for it tomorrow when I’ll be visiting Silo #5 organized by Heritage Montreal. A good friend lent me his D90 since my camera is still not happy – I now need to familiarize myself with the controls so as not to hold up the tour while I’m trying to work out how to use the camera.
To end a bad week on the photo hardware/software side, I found out tonight that the Photoshop 6 Beta free trial has ended, so now I’m also without PS 6, given the money now needs to go on a new camera Hopefully this is the end of bad news for the foreseeable future !
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Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.