Welcome to Montreal in Pictures.
I moved to Montreal in 1999 from the UK and fell in love with this vibrant city which I now call home. Having recently re-found my love for photography, I decided to start a blog documenting the numerous places and attractions that make Montreal such a great place to live and visit.
My aim is to cover specific places and photograph the s**t out of them. In addition to providing images, I want to also give some historic and other interesting facts of each place I cover – being a relatively new resident, I still have much to uncover about the history and discovering new places of interest off the well beaten tourist tracks.
In addition to there being so many great places (some beautiful, some not), what makes Montreal such a great city are the vast number of festivals that take place throughout the year. So another aspect of this blog will be coverage of events taking place, from the International Jazz festival to Igloo Fest.
On January 1 2012, I began a 365 project which requires me to take and post at least 1 picture every day. After 6 months, I admit that I am now addicted, so much so, that I rarely only post 1 picture a day and have likely taken more pictures in the last 6 months than in my entire life – and I’m no spring chicken
As I said, photography is my new found hobby, and between documenting various places/events, I plan to blog about photography techniques I’m trying to attempt for the first time or improve upon – HDR, long exposure, time-lapse and more.
If you live in Montreal, or planning a visit, I hope this blog will be of some interest.
Your feedback is always welcome, so if you have ideas for posts, want to meet up, have a photo walk, give me a shout.
Should you like my work and be interested in hiring me to shoot your car, home, place of work, event or even your dog, don’t hesitate to contact me for pricing, packages and availability. Likewise if you happen to see an image on the site that you would really like to have hanging over your fireplace (or wherever, I’m not selective), let me know
Thanks for visiting Montreal in Pictures.
– Martin
Hi Martin, Saw your blog via your linkedin. Also started taking pictures – of food and stuff for my blog. Looking forward to getting some photography tips … i could use them!
Hi Nobuko, thanks for stopping by and checking out my new little corner on the web.
If you are looking for tips on food photography, you may want to check out Nicole Young’s blog http://nicolesyblog.com where she shares her skills of food photography. Also, if you haven’t already, I highly recommend joining Google + where there’s a huge photography community and was a key reason for me picking up my camera again.
For inspiration there are some great portfolios of food photographers over on http://workbook.com. You actually made me think about creating a section for general tips that I pickup and consider worth sharing, so maybe that will be worth checking out from time to time.
Happy holidays to you and the family !
Grattis! You have been nominated for a Sunshine Award!
As soon as I saw this blog, I thought to myself, “Red Pants and Mustache has to be all over this”
Martin, this is Emily. Emily, this is Martin
I am sure you will enjoy each other’s blog!
Just saw your blog today – anything with Montreal catches my eye. (Some dramatic photos from the protests… Neat pics of the unusual Eva B store – which I had not seen before.) Spent 10 years living, studying, and working in Montreal. Only left because of work opportunities elsewhere. Still miss the city. Mount Royal Park was my favourite little urban oasis to run in… I’m also about to step into the world of SLR photography through a course next week since I love to take pictures, too (and modify/create in Photoshop). Took a ton of Montreal before I left; planning to post some soon. Cheers!
Thanks for stopping by. Good luck with the SLR transition and look forward to seeing your pics of Montreal
Hi Martin, I’ll be following your blog to have my regular fix (as needed!) of my hometown! I am now living in Bali, which in so many ways is worlds away from Montreal. I’ve taken loads of photos over the years while growing up there and look forward to seeing your take on things – as an expat. Enjoy the summer and have a St Viateur bagel for me, will ya?!
Thank you Amit…Bali is on my bucket list for places to visit. I will try to post some pics from St Viateur Bagel one day
Congratulations on your magnificent blog!
As a native Montrealer and blogger, is there any chance I can use your pics on my blog? Naturally, I would acknowledge your authorship and link to your site.
Thanks Richard,
I don’t have a problem with you sharing my pics on your blog as long as you give credit and link back.
Thanks for dropping by Montreal in Pictures.
Will do.
Thanks much!
Just ran into your blog through openfile.ca article and I love love love it! I always share and somewhat show-off to both our readers plus listeners on our blog and podcast and look forward to share this amazing site through our Site Watch featurette. Hubby and I are both born/raised in Montreal, we’ve moved around a lot throughout Canada and so happy to be back living and raising the kiddos where deep down inside never new how much I love this city until we left years ago when we were teens. So happy to be back and love the you capture the structural essence, the beauty and dynamic of MTL. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for checking out Montreal in Pictures Chonilla…and welcome back to Montreal
I love your photos! Montreal is one of the top cities on my current travel wish list, so I’ll definitely be following your blog for ideas of sites to visit there. Keep up the great work!
Thank you Rachel for the follow and the kind remarks. If you do plan on visiting and have any questions beforehand, do let me know and I will try to help out
Wow! glad to have come across your blog….. may be this will give me reasons to start liking this city I have been living in since 2011. great pics. all the best.
Hope I can change your mind – I know Montreal isn’t for everyone, but hope you begin to see it in a new light
I should have said “start loving the city” instead! I like the place already…just have to get my french skills in order :). Your pictures are really good! i throughly enjoy revisiting your blog!
Thanks Jaajaabor for following and your kind comment…I’ve been here 13 years and still struggle with French
Martin! Another award for you:
Looks like you are enjoying “les Feux”. Nice!
Thank you Patrick for your kind recognition
And yep, enjoying the fireworks, but only another 3 shows to go 
Hi,I just nominated you for the “one lovely blog” award
Thank you so much Akanksha…It means a lot to me
Hi! I’ve just discovered your blog recently, on Facebook, and I love your pictures of my town, Montreal! I’m an enthousiastic beginner in photography, I love urban shots and yours are very inspiring to me! I appreciate that you’re sharing your settings and knowledge. You’re making me discover some new places and see others that I know from a new angle.. So that’s it! I just wanted to let you know how much your pictures make an impression on me, and to thank you to share all of this with us. (Excuse my english, I’m a french-speaking Montrealer
Thanks Joanne…I’m no expert but if you ever have any questions feel free to ask ! I wish my French was as good as your English, so no excuses necessary
Thanks! this is so kind of you! Just to look at your work, I think I will learn about composition…So much to learn, but I just love photography! I may ask some questions later, so thank you in advance for your help
What a great blog,
Just discovered you via a cousin who now lives in BC and was homesick for hometown Mtl. and he showed one of your photos. Will enjoy following your view of Montreal.
great photos, you are a great Ambassador for our city.
Welcome and all the best
Hi Martin, amazing pictures. Your vocation
Hope all is well with you.
Thanks Andy
If it was a higher paying vocation, that would be nice 
Trust all is good with you !
I just found you site. The pictures are fabulous, especially the George William Hill monuments. I wondered if you were aware of his cenotaph in Sherbrooke, Quebec. It’s a beauty and in an unbeatable location.
Thank you Susan
I haven’t seen George William Hill’s cenotaph…I will have to check it out when I visit Sherbrooke…Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you for the mention Mrs Sasu
3 Trackbacks
[…] and remember some of the places, learn about what is new in the city, events that take place etc. Martin is a fabulous photographer and I thank him very much for sharing his work with us fellow […]
[…] really enjoying following this UK expat‘s daily blog: Montreal in Pictures. Beautiful photos, often in my very own neighborhood, […]